Wednesday, May 25

Back to work

The last few days I've been preparing the snack bar for it's June 5 debut.  I cleaned out the big walk-in cooler, had Pepsi and Coke stock the beverages, and wiped down just about everything.  The snack bar wreaked of chemicals, so I turned the ceiling fans on.  They hadn't been used since last summer, so down descended all the dust that accumulated over nine months.  I've come to the conclusion that no matter how hard I try, the dust will find a way into the store.  It must be a New Mexico thing...

Yesterday, I started training too.  I took management training for my "Snack Bar Specialist" position.  Basically I have to make sure that the snack bar is clean and stocked.  I'm also responsible for customer entertainment: holding contests and "theme nights" to engage the customers. I'll need to train about 30 staff members on all the food equipment and sanitary procedures (that way I don't have to do all the work).  I also took driver's training in the evening.  Now I can drive Philmont vehicles (legally)!


After work today, I went to the closing campfire area.  I snapped this photo with the amazing vista in the background.  The weather was beautiful today-- not too hot, not too cold.  Partly cloudy and a light breeze. It'll get cold tonight, definitely down to the 40s.  I hope it's not as windy as last night.  The tent next door blew over. 

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